Axes of Focus 202210


During my first phases of work (named on the site Phase 0 and 1), I envisaged the creation of different axes that would allow me to structure my research and best communicate my vision of a multidimensional reality.

Today 5 axes are emerging, overlapping and interpenetrating.
The passage between phase 1 and the current phase of work was made with a choice.The one of establishing the square as a basic module linking the different techniques and ideas. This choice follows a reading of a world in which each existing particle or object, whatever its size or complexity, responds to common development “rules”.

I see these axes of focus as “magnifying glasses” of different magnifications allowing to observe, the material, its luminous, undulatory, sentimental and emotional qualities.
In the study of our consciousness and the outside world through it, perception, sensation and the body take a big place. Beyond the vision, whether physical or spiritual, the sensations of the body bring us a large amount of information on our subjects of study, our intentions and our movements in general.

In the background, there are always the links between microcosm and macrocosm, between the element and the whole from which the principles of unity and universality are born.

The outline of its axes under development:

Study of feelings and emotions, of their influence on matter.

Mirrored objects and surfaces allowing the reflection of the observer.
Questioning about an outside world mirroring ourselves. Diving through consciousness through our own reflections.

Painting work on square modules whose installation can offer many variants, many forms for the same object.
The physical painting is accompanied by video “theorems”, animations expressing the mobile aspect of the material, of the painted subject, the idea of a perpetual intrinsic movement.

Study of matter at different levels: atomic, molecular, organic.

Work on fabric. Study of the transmission, of the organic, social and emotional heritage. Study of the impact of inherited information (transgenerational and societal baggage) on the physical body and human behavioral patterns.
I use my family ties to textile work as a support for this research which is both personal and universal.

Highlighting the links between humans and cosmic space, between the small and the big.

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